Results for 'Conventus Sanctorum Joannis et Pauli'

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  1. Where an endnote simply gives a reference to what is mentioned in the text, the entry refers to the page of the text: where an endnote introduces fresh references or material, its own page is given. Medieval authors are listed under their Christian names (eg Thomas Aquinas), though not where they are usually known by surnames (for instance, Chaucer).Acta Pauli et Theclae & Theological Rules - 2009 - In John Marenbon (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Boethius. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 343.
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    Sartre et le problème de la connaissance.David Guy Joannis - 1997 - Saint-Nicolas [Québec]: Presses Université Laval.
    Le probleme de la connaissance est essentiel a une juste comprehension de la pensee de Sartre. Conscience et liberte se donnant pour leur propre fondement, l'alternative a l'ethique est d'aborder la question de l'homme en tentant de concilier la subjectivite avec la certitude et la verite de la connaissance. Ni la science ni le Cogito cartesien ne permettent d'acceder a une connaissance veritable: la conscience est existence concrete et pre-reflexive. Il ressort de l'ontologie une dualite de la connaissance que resout (...)
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  3. Logica Magna, Secunda Pars : Tractatus de veritate et falsitate propositionis et Tractatus de significato propositionis.Pauli Veneti, Francesco Del Punta & Marilyn Mccord Adams - 1980 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 170 (1):97-99.
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    (1 other version)Chronique archéologique de la religion grecque (ChronARG).Joannis Mylonopoulos, Despina Chatzivasiliou, Alain Duplouy, Michael Fowler, François Quantin, Emmanuel Voutiras, Kalliopi Chatzinikolaou, Massimo Osanna, Ilaria Battiloro & Alexis D’Hautcourt - 2014 - Kernos 27:379-444.
    01. Athènes, Attique, Mégaride (Joannis Mylonopoulos) 01.00 – Généralités – Une vue d’ensemble mise à jour des cultes impériaux de Trajan (Athènes), d’Hadrien (Athènes, Éleusis), d’Antonin le Pieux (Athènes) et de Marc Aurèle (Athènes) qui incorpore des informations épigraphiques ainsi que des témoignages archéologiques tels que statues, autels et bâtiments. L’étude traite également des fêtes et des prêtres associés au culte de l’empereur. F. Camia, Theoi Sebastoi. Il culto degli imperatori r...
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  5. Espace, Temps et Causalité dans la Physique moderne.W. Pauli - 1936 - Scientia 30 (59):du Supplém. 25.
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    Le projet Épistémologique de Sartre.David Joannis - 1996 - Philosophiques 23 (2):305-315.
    Contrairement à l'opinion répandue, l'échec de l'éthique et de l'ontologie ne constitue pas l'aboutissement de la pensée de Sartre, mais plutôt son point de départ. En effet, l'enjeu du projet de Sartre est le problème de la connaissance.The failure of ethics and ontology, contrary to the common point of view, does not constitute the outcome of Sartre's philosophy but its starting point. Sartre's essential problematic is the problem of the foundation of knowledge.
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  7. (1 other version)The Dynamics of Ritual Space in the Hellenistic and Roman East.Joannis Mylonopoulos - 2008 - Kernos 21:49-79.
    Based on the archaeological data, the literary evidence, and the epigraphic sources, the article offers an overview of the strong interrelation between the dynamic changes in rituals and the subsequent architectural and structural adjustments of their space of performance. Violent interaction, social transformation, peaceful cross-cultural com­munication, the migration of new populations, the introduction of new cults, the mobility of ethnic and religious groups, ideological and political factors, and rivalry between cult places are some of the parameters that need to be (...)
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    Epistolae Senecae ad Paulum et Pauli ad Senecam.Richard M. Gummere & Claude W. Barlow - 1939 - American Journal of Philology 60 (4):501.
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  9. Philosophica et historia.Jakub Mlynář & Miroslav Paulíček (eds.) - 2020 - Praha: Univerzita Karlova, Nakladatelství Karolinum.
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  10. The birth of a provincial middle-class in the 2nd-half of the 15th-century-the schellart, buwemeister and haltfast families from arlon, bastogne and Luxembourg. [REVIEW]M. Pauly - 1993 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 71 (2):277-289.
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    Sul testo della Passio Petri et Pauli: Alcune varianti riconsiderate.Alberto D’Anna - 2017 - Augustinianum 57 (1):123-144.
    In anticipation of a new edition of the Passio apostolorum Petri et Pauli, this article analyzes the recensio conducted by Lipsius for his edition of 1891. The review of the main variants highlighted by the editor reverses his thesis: they depend on innovations by reduction, not by interpolation. Such innovations could perhaps depend on early medieval liturgical use of the work. With regard to the methodology, the comparison with the Greek tradition of the work, as an external criterion of (...)
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    Epistolae Senecae ad Paulum et Pauli ad Senecam . Edidit Claude W. Barlow. Pp. ix+164; 4 plates. (Papers and Monographs of the American Academy in Rome, Vol. x.) New York: American Academy in Rome, 1938. Paper. [REVIEW]A. Souter - 1940 - The Classical Review 54 (01):56-57.
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    Bemerkungen zur arabischen und äthiopischen Fassung der „Epistula de morte apostolorum Petri et Pauli“ (zugeschrieben dem Dionysius Areopagita).Michael Muthreich - 2013 - Philotheos 13:166-175.
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  14. Consensus sanctorum et dogma fidei: la enseñanza de fray Luis de León (1568).Ignacio Jericó Bermejo - 1999 - Revista Agustiniana 40 (122):625-652.
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  15. Joannis Lodovici Vivis De anima et vita.Juan Luis Vives - 1974 - Padova: Gregoriana.
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    Acta Pauli et Petri Apocrypha y Patrística griega.José Antonio Artés Hernández - 2004 - Augustinianum 44 (2):321-336.
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    Joannis Morawski SJ (1633-1700) philosophia.Franciszek Bargieł - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 2 (1):245-254.
    Morawski sine dubio ex illis est, qui activitate sua scriptisque non parvas habuerunt partes in promovenda cultura in Polonia XVII saeculi. Nomen sibi promeruit maxime qua philosophiae ac theologiae professor per multos annos multorumque textuum auctor, sermone tam latino quam patrio-polono, quorum nonnulli etiam sequente saeculo non semel in lucem prodierunt - aliqui etiam 20 vicibus. Quod ex philosophicis reliquit, non est magnae amplitudinis. Uno solum volumine 300 paginarum continetur, attamen non parvam in sui saeculi animis commotionem excitasse creditur, nam (...)
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    Wolfgang Pauli: Wissenschaftlicher Briefwechsel mit Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg, u.a. Volume 4, Part 1: 1950-1952. [Wolfgang Pauli: Scientific Correspondence with Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg, et al. Volume 4, Part 1: 1950-1952.]. Wolfgang Pauli, Karl von Meyenn. [REVIEW]Cathryn Carson - 1997 - Isis 88 (4):726-727.
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    Auli Gellii Noctes atticae cum notis et emendationibus Joannis Frederici Gronovii.Aulus Gellius, Joannes Fredericus Gronovius, Johannes Du Vivié & Abraham de Blois - 1688 - Apud Ioannem de Vivié.
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    Bestiae Christum loquuntur ou des habitants du désert et de la ville dans la Vita Pauli de saint Jérôme.Robert Wiśniewski - 2000 - Augustinianum 40 (1):105-144.
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  21. Le role de l'espace et le probleme de localisation en physique moderne, vus en Particulier Par Wolfgang Pauli.Charles P. Knz - 1987 - Epistemologia 10:187.
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    Oeuvres de Saint Augustin: 24, Troisième sene: La gr'ce. Aux Moines d'Adrumète et de Provence. De gratia et libero arbitrio - De correptione et gratia - De praedestinatione sanctorum - De dono perseverantiae. Texte de l'édition bénédictine. Introduction, traduction et notes par Jean Chéné, PSS, et Jacques Pintard. [REVIEW]J. Morán - 1963 - Augustinianum 3 (3):568-568.
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    Quaestiones de Mystica Terminologia ad Mentem Pseudo-Areopagitae et Sanctorum Patrum. [REVIEW]Leo M. Weber - 1943 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 18 (4):742-743.
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    Aristoteles Latinus IV, 1-4, 2 et 3 editio altera, Analytica Posteriora. Translationes Jacobi, anonymi sive Joannis, Gerardi et Recensio Guillelmi de Moerbeka. Ediderunt Laurentius Minio-Paluello et Bernardus G. Dod. Union académique internationale, Corpus philosophorum medii aevi, Bruges-Paris, Desclée de Brouwer, 1968; LXXXIV, 446 f.f., appendices et indices. [REVIEW]Gérard Potvin - 1971 - Dialogue 10 (3):614-616.
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    La signification philosophique du principe d’exclusion de Pauli ou la position du problème de l’individuation en mécanique quantique.Carlos Lobo - 2020 - Rue Descartes 98 (2):166-189.
    Une épistémologie phénoménologique est nécessairement intéressée aux points de contact et de passage entre problèmes scientifiques et problèmes philosophiques. Il est instructif, dans cette perspective, de revenir sur un moment historiquement décisif, mais éminemment équivoque, encore porteur de prolongements et de retournements dont nous n’avons peut-être pas encore pris toute la mesure : l’énoncé du principe de Pauli. Le statut logique de cet énoncé est lui-même ambigu : règle technique, semi-empirique, postulat, principe ou théorème, etc. Pour le meilleur et (...)
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    Einstein et «Zweistein».John Stachel - 2005 - Revue de Synthèse 126 (2):353-365.
    Comme le suggère le sobriquet « Zweistein », Wolfgang Pauli fut considéré par la communauté des théoriciens de la physique comme son membre le plus éminent après Albert Einstein. Durant plus de trente-cinq ans, les deux hommes entretinrent des relations intellectuelles et personnelles. Cet article analyse les relations entre quatre thèmes récurrents de leurs discussions. 1) La théorie de la relativité: à l'âge de 20 ans, Pauli préparait un manuel qui fera autorité sur la relativité, manuel qu'il révisera (...)
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    Corpus Dionysiacum III/1: Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita: Epistola ad Timotheum de morte apostolorum Petri et PauliHomilia (BHL 2187).Caroline Macé, Ekkehard Mühlenberg, Michael Muthreich & Christine Wulf (eds.) - 2021 - De Gruyter.
    The Epistola de morte apostolorum Petri et Pauli (CPG 6631, CANT 197) is addressed to Timothy, the disciple of the apostle Paul, and attributed to Denys the Areopagite. It contains a hymn on St. Paul, the lament for the loss of Paul and Peter and an eyewitness report on St. Paul’s martyrdom in Rome. Its aim is to legitimize Denys as heir of St. Paul’s theology by linking him with Timothy to whom the main tractates of the Corpus Dionysiacum (...)
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    „Cui Iustinus Imperator Venienti ita Occurrit ac si Beato Petro“. Das Ritual beim ersten Papst-Kaiser-Treffen in Konstantinopel: Eine Römische Auslegung?Massimiliano Vitiello - 2006 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 98 (1):81-96.
    Im Verlauf des 6. Jahrhunderts fanden unter den ostgotischen Königen die ersten päpstlich-kaiserlichen Treffen in Konstantinopel statt, die die religiösen Auseinandersetzungen und die politischen und diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen Ostgoten und Byzanz klären sollten. Der erste Papst, der auf Befehl Theoderichs als Leiter einer Gesandtschaft in die östliche Hauptstadt reiste (Ende 525 oder Anfang 526), war Johannes I.; er sollte sich dort für die arianische Kirche einsetzen. Der ‚Anonymus Valesianus‘ berichtet, daß der Kaiser Justinos I. dem ankommenden Papst Johannes als Anführer (...)
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    Gvillelmi Alverni Sermones de tempore: I-CXXXV.Guillaume D'Auvergne - 2010 - Turnhout: Brepols Publishers. Edited by Franco Morenzoni.
    Theologien de haut vol et pasteur zele, Guillaume d'Auvergne a ete eveque de Paris de 1228 a 1249. Proche de la cour capetienne et des milieux mendiants de Paris, il a ete temoin et acteur des principaux evenements politiques et culturels qui ont caracterise la vie du royaume et de sa capitale. Ses sermons, au nombre de 582, dont 25 transmis en deux ou trois versions differentes et plusieurs sous la forme de reportationes, sont ici edites pour la premiere fois. (...)
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  30. Opera plurima Lyon, 1494-1496. William - 1962 - [London,: Gregg Press].
    Dialogus de imperio et pontificia potestate.--2. Compendium errorum Joannis XXII. Opus 90 dierum. Littere Fr. Michaelis de Cesena. Octo questionum decisiones.--3. Super 4 libros sententiarum: In sententiarum I--4. Super 4 libros sententiarum: In sententiarum II-IV. Centilogium tabule.
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    War Anastasios II. Artemios im justinianischen Heroon bestattet?Arne Effenberger - 2002 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 95 (2):445-456.
    Im sogenannten Necrologium imperatorum des Chronikon Altinate findet sich folgende Notiz: Mense iunii, primo die, Arthemius, qui et Anastasius dictus est, ex imperio a Theodosio Adramitinum exilatus est in Saloniky, et ipse Theodosius a Leo sabro capite truncatus est, et post tempus modicum allatum est corpus eius ab Chirini Augusta et sepultum est imperaliter in templo Sanctorum Apostolorum, in sacrario Magni Iustiniani, in pila prassino. regnavit ann..II. - Der Einschub, wonach jener Theodosios, der Anastasios II. Artemios 715 abgesetzt und (...)
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    Non-Contextual and Local Hidden-Variable Model for the Peres–Mermin and Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger Systems.Carsten Held - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (2):1-17.
    A hidden-variable model for quantum–mechanical spin, as represented by the Pauli spin operators, is proposed for systems illustrating the well-known no-hidden-variables arguments by Peres (Phys Lett A 151:107–108, 1990) and Mermin (Phys Rev Lett 65:3373–3376, 1990) and by Greenberger et al. (Bell’s theorem, quantum theory, and conceptions of the universe, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1989). Both arguments rely on an assumption of non-contextuality; the latter argument can also be phrased as a non-locality argument, using a locality assumption. The model suggested here (...)
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    L'«École de l'ETH» dans l'œuvre de Gaston Bachelard.Charles Alunni - 2005 - Revue de Synthèse 126 (2):367-389.
    Il s'agit de retracer ici la présence spectrale dans l'oeuvre de Gaston Bachelard de ce que nous appelons «École de l'ETH ». Nous en avons choisi trois figures fondamentales: Hermann Weyl, Wolfgang Pauli et Gustave Juvet. Pour le premier, nous traitons de sa place centrale et permanente dans la constitution bachelardienne d'une philosophie qui se veut à hauteur de la nouvelle « géométrie physique » rigoureusement construite dans un esprit riemannien. Quant à Pauli, nous montrons une insoupçonnable affinité (...)
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    Siparvm and Svpparvs.A. E. Housman - 1919 - Classical Quarterly 13 (3-4):149-.
    A Student who looks out siparum in the dictionary is sent on to supparum. Forcellini: ppphsupp scribitur autem et sifarus et siparum et siparus et sipharutmsrum, rum (rus), s. supparumsupppphrus (rus), i, m. ()rum or-us, i, v. supparum'; rum (rum, rum, rum), i, n. u. suppph This then is one word, rejoicing in no fewer than eleven forms (most of which I have never met anywhere outside a dictionary2): supparum, supparus, parum, pharum, siparus, sifarus, pharus, ssupparusnner und Frauen, zugleich aber (...)
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    Plotinus: A Definitive Edition and a New Translation.Plotini Opera. Tomus I: Porphyri Vita Plotini, Enneades I-III. [REVIEW]Harold Cherniss - 1952 - Review of Metaphysics 6 (2):239-256.
    Both editors have long been known for their work on Plotinus. Schwyzer has published important articles on the MSS A, V, and D, on the Pseudo-Aristotelian Theology and its relation to Porphyry's edition of the Enneads, on Plotinus' interpretation of Timaeus 35 A, and on the relation of Plotinus' triad of hypostases to his interpretation of Parmenides 139-145 ; and he is the author of the new article on Plotinus in the Pauly-Wissowa Realencyclopädie. Ever since 1933 Henry has been publishing (...)
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    Atom and Archetype: The Pauli/Jung Letters, 1932-1958.Wolfgang Pauli, C. A. Meier, Charles P. Enz, Markus Fierz & C. G. Jung - 2001
    In 1932, Wolfgang Pauli was a world-renowned physicist and had already done the work that would win him the 1945 Nobel Prize. He was also in pain. His mother had poisoned herself after his father's involvement in an affair. Emerging from a brief marriage with a cabaret performer, Pauli drank heavily, quarreled frequently and sometimes publicly, and was disturbed by powerful dreams. He turned for help to C. G. Jung, setting a standing appointment for Mondays at noon. Thus (...)
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    Making the Call: A Proactive Ethics Framework. [REVIEW]Carol Pavlish, Katherine Brown-Saltzman, Alyssa Fine & Patricia Jakel - 2013 - HEC Forum 25 (3):269-283.
    This manuscript proposes a proactive framework for preventing or mitigating disruptive ethical conflicts that often result from delayed or avoided conversations about the ethics of care. Four components of the framework are explained and illustrated with evidenced-based actions. Clinical implications of adopting a prevention-based, system-wide ethics framework are discussed. While some aspects of ethically-difficult situations are unique, system patterns allow some issues to occur repeatedly—often with lingering effects such as healthcare providers’ disengagement and moral distress (McAndrew et al. Journal of (...)
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  38. Theory of relativity.Wolfgang Pauli - 1958 - New York,: Pergamon Press.
    Nobel Laureate's brilliant early treatise on Einstein's theory consists of his original 1921 text plus retrospective comments 35 years later.
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    Interview with Jean-François Joanny: Activity, Instabilities, and Defects.Michael Friedman, Jean-François Joanny & Karin Krauthausen - 2021 - In Peter Fratzl, Michael Friedman, Karin Krauthausen & Wolfgang Schäffner (eds.), Active Materials. De Gruyter. pp. 117-128.
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  40. Pauli Lectures on Physics - Vol 2: Optics and the Theory of Electrons.Wolfgang Pauli - 1977 - MIT Press.
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    Wolfgang Pauli und C. G. Jung: Ein Briefwechsel 1932–1958.Wolfgang Pauli, C. A. Meier, C. G. Jung & M. Fierz - 1992 - Springer.
    Der hier erstmals ver]ffentlichte Briefwechsel zwischen dem Psychiater C.G. Jung und dem Nobelpreistr{ger der Physik Wolfgang Pauli ist ein geistesgeschichtliches Dokument ersten Ranges. Ein privates Schicksal hat sie zusammengef}hrt, und daraus ist ein vorwissenschaftlicher Dialog erwachsen, in dem versucht wird, naturwissenschaftliches und psychologischesDenken zu vereinheitlichen. Die Briefe verdeutlichen, da~ es weder f}r den Psychologen zul{ssig ist, die methodischen Einsichten der Physik, noch f}r den Physiker, die Erfahrungen im Umgang mit dem Psychischenzu vernachl{ssigen.
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    Tenure, the Canadian tar sands and ‘Ethical Oil’.Daniel Pauly - 2016 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 15 (1):55-57.
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    What Are We Looking For?—Pro Critical Realism in Text Interpretation.Pauli Siljander - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 45 (3):493-510.
    A visible role in the theoretical discourses on education has been played in the last couple of decades by the constructivist epistemologies, which have questioned the basic assumptions of realist epistemologies. The increased popularity of interpretative approaches especially has put the realist epistemologies on the defensive. Basing itself on critical realism, this article discusses the ontological and epistemological commitments of educational research and its consequences for text interpretation. The article defends ontological realism and the semantic conception of truth against radical (...)
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    The function of the formae nativae in the refinement process of matter: A study of Bernard of chartres's concept of matter.Pauli Annala - 1997 - Vivarium 35 (1):1-20.
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    On the Problem of Unspeakable Content.Pauli Brattico - 2005 - ProtoSociology 21:67-87.
    There is compelling linguistic evidence that many words (e.g., boil) are derived from phrasal sources (e.g., cause to boil). Among causation, typical semantic primitives composing word meanings are becoming, having and getting. While linguists have argued that word meanings contain semantic knowledge that we can grasp but cannot express linguistically, Fodor and his colleagues maintain that words express primitive, semantically unanalysable concepts. Under this view, putative linguistic semantic decompositions express nonsemantic metaphysical regularities. After reviewing the debate, it is suggested in (...)
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    Epigraphic Bulletin for Greek Religion 2002.Joannis Mylonopoulos & Angelos Chaniotis - 2005 - Kernos 18:425-474.
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    Epigraphic Bulletin for Greek Religion 1998.Joannis Mylonopoulos & Angelos Chaniotis - 2001 - Kernos 14:147-231.
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    Epigraphic Bulletin for Greek Religion 1999.Joannis Mylonopoulos & Angelos Chaniotis - 2002 - Kernos 15:331-414.
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    Quadratus Martyr, der Skoteinologe. Ein Beitrag zu Herakleitos von Ephesos.Andreas Freiherrn Di Pauli - 1906 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 19 (4):504-508.
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    Journalistic codes of ethics in the CSCE countries: an examination.Pauli Juusela - 1991 - Tampere: University of Tampere, Dept. of Journalism and Mass Communication.
    A study examined the journalistic codes of ethics from 23 countries involved in the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), using descriptive and interpretative content analysis. The contents of the 24 codes from the 23 countries were divided into explicit categories on the basis of a 17-part classification scheme, including: "truth, ""acquisition of facts, ""professional secrecy, ""freedom of information, ""professional integrity, ""human rights," and "values." Results indicated that: (1) the most important principle in all the codes was represented (...)
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